“She has completed the 1st Grade at UTS beyond our expectation” UTS “She has completed the 1st Grade at UTS beyond our expectation” UTS

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“She has completed the 1st Grade at UTS beyond our expectation”



“She has completed the 1st Grade at UTS beyond our expectation” Miss Thanh Nhan, Mother of Tue Minh – student of Class 1.5 has shared about the changes and growth of her daughter after a year learning at US Vietnam Talent International School: “Tue Minh is quite a shy girl while interacting with adults. She is very confident to make acquaintances with peers but somehow shy to communicate with her teachers. However, after a year UTS, she already has some positive changes. When Tue Minh acknowledges that she will be taught by other teachers in Grade 2, she expresses: ‘I will miss my old teachers so much, but no one can teach me forever in my life!’ Her thinking satisfies me since she knows that anyone should be independent, she needs to change to learn from more people. In long term, I hope that she can understand that the world will always change and we all need to adapt to it. Tue Minh understands that ‘we go to school to learn what we don’t know yet’. Therefore, while studying at UTS, she can freely give answers for questions without feeling ashamed. ‘Mr. Casey will never criticize me with the wrong answer, I just need to raise hands and express my ideas!’, said Tue Minh. I am really happy when she tells me that other teachers also apply the same teaching methods. I believe that she will more confident and be ready for new things without failure disappointment. Regarding the progress in knowledge, besides the standards of reading, writing and doing simple Math exercises like other Grade 1 students, she usually tells me about other knowledge from school that beyond my expectation. While enrolling at UTS, she has never studied at any language center. But now, she confidently teaches me how to add and subtract numbers, explain the stories she draws, and how to use the toys she designed in basic English. I appreciate the route that UTS has built for Tue Minh because her progressive pace is very good. I think that UTS has created good conditions for my child to cultivate her positive attitude through many activities, other than studying. Tue Minh has participated in many special events, she loves the assembly when she can sing the national anthem, she is excited during celebration days such as International Day of Peace, International Mother Earth Day which is held at school. Our expectation about what Tue Minh can learn at school is not about how much knowledge she acquires, but how she builds her attitude about learning, communicating with friends, family members, seniors and teachers at UTS. She has completed the 1st Grade at UTS beyond our expectation!” Thank Parents for choosing UTS as a trustworthy place for the development of your childrenfor your children. With the “growing talents with care” mission, UTS will accompany students in the talent exploring and growing journey.  

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