Journey To CIS Accreditation | We Are Honored To Welcome The CIS Evaluators To UTS! UTS Journey To CIS Accreditation | We Are Honored To Welcome The CIS Evaluators To UTS! UTS

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Journey To CIS Accreditation | We Are Honored To Welcome The CIS Evaluators To UTS!



From 27th to 30th, November, we are honored to welcome the CIS evaluators - Mr. Shane Kells and Ms. Wendy Parry to visit UTS Van Lang Complex. This is an important part of the journey to CIS accreditation of UTS. 

Important milestones with positive signals

During 4 days of working we worked closely with the CIS evaluators to conduct effective meetings, interviews, and discussions as well as observed and evaluated learning activities and school operations, including:

  • Meeting with the Board of Management about goals, expectations, and action plans for the CIS accreditation process.
  • Interview sessions with the Board of Management about the Domains that contribute to a comprehensive learning environment such as Purpose and Direction, Curriculum, Quality of Teaching and Learning, Well-being, Facilities, etc.
  • Interview sessions with Representatives of Students, Parents, Teachers, and Staff to listen to multi-dimensional assessments of the UTS community.
  • Observing classrooms, learning areas, Clubs, school operations, and facilities.
  • Self-study workshops conducted by CIS evaluators provide useful information and instructions for the Self-study phase.

This visit was a great opportunity for UTS to acquire useful suggestions and instructions from CIS evaluators - who have qualifications and experience in working with high-quality international schools and organizations. Moreover, this is also an important milestone for the UTS community to be able to comprehensively and pragmatically evaluate all the School's drivers based on the CIS International Accreditation Framework. Accordingly, we can identify our strengths, and areas to improve and set clearer goals for the School’s development.

We are committed to this challenging but exciting journey to CIS accreditation

After this visit, UTS will enter a Self-study phase based on the evaluators' report. The upcoming journey will be extremely important for the UTS community as we will continuously self-assess and improve specific areas to prepare for the next phase of Team Evaluation.

The Council of International Schools (CIS) is a leader in the field of school evaluation and accreditation worldwide. The recognition of ministries, departments of education, and universities around the world on the quality and stringency of CIS International Accreditation can be demonstrated as the school's commitment to high-quality international education. By pursuing CIS accreditation, UTS indicates our commitment to the excellence and betterment of our learning community, with four drivers: Purpose and Direction; Learning and Teaching; Wellbeing; Global Citizenship.

CIS accreditation is not merely a destination; it is a transformative journey that demands the collective efforts of all community members. UTS believes each UTS member, including the Board of Management, Students, Teachers, Staff, and Parents, is all determined and unanimous in the upcoming journey. This journey to CIS accreditation will be challenging but meaningful and valuable for the continuous transformation and development of the UTS community.

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