School Play’s Premier “Snow White And The Seven Entrepreneurs” UTS School Play’s Premier “Snow White And The Seven Entrepreneurs” UTS

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    Our modern twist is set in a progressive forest, where the question is not “Who has the most beauty of them all?”, but “Who has the most business?”, and above all else, banh mi!

    The story begins after Snow White has recently left a dead-end job at the Old Castle to kickstart her dream of owning her own business. The Evil Queen, who was her most recent employer, has turned bitter from jealousy at Snow White’s newfound success.

     How is her life without the help of fairies and magical wands? Everything will be unveiled in the school play “Snow White & the Seven Entrepreneurs” with the participate of UTS Students from Performing Arts Club. This performance will allow students a unique opportunity to express their individuality in performing arts, develop their stage presence, practice their linguistic skills, and of course gain invaluable experience of theatrical productions.


    Language: English

    Time: 6.00pm Friday, April 7th, 2023

    Venue: Trinh Cong Son Auditorium, UTS Van Lang Complex

    Ticket price: 150,000 VND

    Ticket Booking: Choose your seats and buy tickets at the Admission Office, UTS Van Lang Complex

    The school hopes to receive the love and support of the parents as our performers embark on their very first English-speaking play. Tickets are available for any family, friends and supporters to come and enjoy the show as audience members. Every ticket includes a lucky raffle ticket number, with the prize draw taking place during the performance intermission.

    Half of the proceeds from the ticket sales and concessions stand will be directed to the operating budget of the UTS Performing Arts Club and the other half to UTS’s community activities.

    We are incredibly proud of our performing stars and their efforts so far, so we hope you will join us in wishing good health and energy to everyone involved for a successful performance night!

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